«Hello World» Dashboard Example


NĖURO has single JavaScript Configuration File (CF) named config.js that contains all application settings. Configuration File (CF) must be in same directory as your NĖURO application Startup File (SF) index.html.
Dashboard Cards (DC) receives data from backend by using Event Sources (ES) registered in sys_eventProviders array. For each Dashboard Card (DC) registered in sys_groups array must be defined JavaScript Visualization Plugin (VP) class name. Visualization Plugin (VP) must be in sys_resources array to be loaded on application start.

Example Steps

  1. Start HTTP server from command line: ./fetch.py
    fetch.py is a simple dummy local HTTP server that handle client requests and response with random number in plain text form. Server URL is: http://localhost:8080
  2. Register our HTTP server URL http://localhost:8080 as Event Source (ES) in sys_eventProviders array of config.js
  3. Create simple JavaScript Visualization Plugin (VP) HelloWorldPlugin.js contains UI for our Dashboard Card (DC)
  4. Register our Visualization Plugin (VP) plugin file name into sys_resources array of config.js
  5. Register Visualization Plugin (VP) plugin's class name into sys_groups array of config.js
  6. Open NĖURO dashboard by clicking on index.html

Note: You need python 3 to run server side part of this example.


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